“Tire rotation” is a term you hear frequently in the realm of vehicle maintenance, but what does it actually mean? How often should you have it done? National Brake & Muffler in Griffin has the answers you’re looking for.
Who created the world’s first car is actually a matter of debate; since the invention of the engine, people had been installing them on horse carriages to make them self-propelled. Even when automobiles specifically designed for engines came around, they were hardly recognizable as a car by today’s standards. However, the first patented automobile, a vehicle specifically designed to be propelled by an engine, was built by Karl Benz and completed in 1885.
It’s a new year! National Brake & Muffler in Griffin would like to start you off with some tips on making your car last this year, and for many more to come.
At National Brake & Muffler in Griffin, transmissions are our game, and taking care of them is at the top of our list of priorities. Here are 5 things you can do to take care of your transmission, from the pros;
There’s a lot of information on buying used cars out there, but at National Brake & Muffler in Griffin, we don’t think it’s possible to go into a purchase armed with too much information. The condition of the transmission in a used car is perhaps the most essential aspect of a pre-owned car purchase - this article explains why, and how to make sure your prospective buy is everything you want it to be.
Vehicle maintenance is something most people neglect to some degree. Make one of your resolutions this year about car maintenance, and we guarantee you won’t regret it. Resolutions are typically about reducing stress, saving money, becoming more organized, and improving your quality of life. National Brake & Muffler in Griffin is here to show you how proper car maintenance checks all of those boxes and more.
There are a number of things that may cause a transmission to fail; overheating, debris in the wrong place, or the natural wear and tear on transmission components, to name a few. However, these factors are not the leading cause of transmission failure. Take it from National Brake & Muffler in Griffin - the number one cause is neglected maintenance.