Routine maintenance can lead us to discover all kinds of things you would think are obvious but as drivers with a routine, we simply get in and drive. We may think that if the lights come on and the car starts there are no issues, but at National Brake & Muffler in Griffin we know what to look for and when to ask questions. When your vehicle is pulling to one side there are several possibilities.
Your bumper covers are always in danger. Between other drivers, obstacles in the road, flash floods, or any other hazard you may encounter, at some point it’s likely your bumper covers will accrue some damage. At National Brake & Muffler in Griffin, GA, we can fix that.
Your brakes have a lot to do with how your car drives. Brakes are a frequently neglected item on a lot of people’s checklist, and many drivers on the road have subpar brakes and don’t even know it. A car that brakes well and brakes correctly are just as important as acceleration, handling, or any other aspect of a vehicle’s drivability. A car with brake issues has the potential to be a far more enjoyable ride when fixed.
The exhaust on your truck is an important series of components, that work together to insure smooth, reliable operation. At National Brake & Muffler in Griffin, GA, we also know that exhaust systems are especially susceptible to damage and rust; pipes, mufflers, and other parts are exposed to hazards on the road, and to the environment. This situation, combined with caustic emissions and extreme heat, create a perfect opportunity for problems to arise.
Hitting a pothole always hurts - you may not be sure exactly what happens when you hit a pothole, but you can tell it’s not good for your car, truck, or SUV. Here are issues caused by potholes, and what to watch out for if you hit a really rough one, from National Brake & Muffler in Griffin, GA.
If you own or manage a fleet or commercial truck, you know what a headache it can be to take the same vehicle in for maintenance over and over, wasting valuable time. At National Brake & Muffler in Griffin, GA, we have the technology, equipment and technicians necessary to get the job done fast, and get it done right.
At National Brake & Muffler in Griffin, GA, we’ve witnessed our fair share of burnt out and broken clutches. While clutch failure is an inevitability, there are a variety of ways to make sure yours lasts as long as possible.
At National Brake & Muffler in Griffin, GA, we understand how frustrating it is when your vehicle makes mysterious noises that it shouldn’t be making. Here’s a rundown on suspension bushings, to help you figure out what that sound is you keep hearing.